County ZIP Code
Important Announcements
Self-extracting Zip files (*.exe) have been replaced on the download site - November 4, 2024
Self-extracting Zip files (extension .exe) have been replaced with normal Zip (*.zip) files because some web browsers were showing warnings that the EXE file could contain malicious code. There is also no need for self-extracting Zip files because Windows now has built-in ZIP decompression. If for any reason you need a Zip decompression tool then you can obtain a free-copy of 7-Zip from If you have difficulty because of this change, then please contact us and we will provide a link to download the self-extracting Zip file.
General Information
Release Frequency: Monthly
Release Date: Monday closest to the 7th of the month
Next Release Date: January 06, 2025
- County ZIP Code Docs
- Result Codes
- Support contact information: or 1-800-MELISSA (1-800-635-4772)
Included Database(s) | Description |
County-ZIP Code Database | Includes all Zip Codes and Counties in the United States and its territories to which the USPS delivers mail. |
Build History
Released on: December 09, 2024
The number of active ZIP codes is 41,561
There were zero (0) Area Code(s) added by NANPA.
There were five (5) Zip Code(s) added by the USPS.
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 18005 P Lehigh Valley, PA 01825 P North Reading, MA 09181 M DPO, AE 09703 M FPO, AE 43405 P Toledo, OH 95025 P San Jose, CA
- None
- None
There were thirteen (13) Zip Code(s) deleted by the USPS.
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 11026 P Great Neck, NY 11027 P Great Neck, NY 11053 U Port Washington, NY 11054 U Port Washington, NY 11055 U Port Washington, NY 15123 West Mifflin, PA 30270 U Peachtree City, GA 30270 U Fayetteville, GA 30612 P Athens, GA 31297 P Macon, GA 53407 U Racine, WI 54404 Marshfield, WI 95214 U Stockton, CA
- None
- None
Released on: November 04, 2024
The number of active ZIP codes is 41,568
There were zero (0) Area Code(s) added by NANPA.
There was one (1) Zip Code(s) added by the USPS.
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 18005 P Lehigh Valley, PA
There were five (5) Zip Code(s) where the "Preferred City" was updated.
ZIP Code Old City Name, State New City Name, State 32925 Patrick AFB, FL Patrick Air Force Base, FL 63952 Mill Springx, MO Mill Spring, MO 65784 Zanonix, MO Zanoni, MO 76253 Myrax, TX Myra, TX 84056 Hill AFB, UT Hill Air Force Base, UT -
The Address Counts have updated for some zip codes that cross multiple state boundaries.
- Self-extracting Zip files (.exe) have been replaced on the download site: Self-extracting Zip files (extension .exe) have been replaced with normal Zip (.zip) files because some web browsers were showing warnings that the EXE file could contain malicious code. There is also no need for self-extracting Zip files because Windows now has built-in ZIP decompression. If for any reason you need a Zip decompression tool then you can obtain a free-copy of 7-Zip from If you have difficulty because of this change, then please contact us and we will provide a link to download the self-extracting Zip file.
- None
- The Post Office resolved the issue with the three (3) ZIP Codes (63952, 65784, and 76253) that include an x at the end of the City Name.
- None
Released on: October 04, 2024
The number of active ZIP codes is 41,567
There were zero (0) Area Code(s) added by NANPA.
There were five (5) Zip Code(s) added by the USPS.
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 11805 P Hicksville, NY 46245 P Indianapolis, IN 48055 P Pontiac, MI 73175 P Oklahoma City, OK 90085 P Los Angeles, CA
There were eight (8) Zip Code(s) where the "Preferred City" was updated.
ZIP Code Old City Name, State New City Name, State 20839 Beallsville, MD Bealsville, MD 38677 University, MS Oxford, MS 46769 Linn Grove, IN Linn Grv, IN 63952 Mill Spring, MO Mill Springx, MO 65784 Zanoni, MO Zanonix, MO 76253 Myra, TX Myrax, TX 83463 Gibbonsville, ID Gibbsonville, ID 96386 APO, AP FPO, AP -
Please note that there are three (3) ZIP Codes (63952, 65784, and 76253) that include an x at the end of the City Name. We have reached out to the USPS for the reason for the "x" and at the time of this release have not received a response yet. If we find that the post office has made a mistake, we will post a revised version onto the download site.
- None
There were three (3) Zip Code(s) deleted by the USPS.
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 20643 P Ironsides, MD 31760 P Irwinville, GA 89452 P Incline Village, NV
- None
- None
Released on: September 09, 2024
The number of active ZIP codes is 41,565
There was two (2) Area Code(s) added by NANPA.
Area Code State 821 South Carolina 924 Minnesota -
There were zero (0) Zip Code(s) added by the USPS.
There were three (3) Zip Code(s) where the "Preferred City" was updated.
ZIP Code Old City Name, State New City Name, State 83281 Swanlake, ID Swan Lake, ID 24724 Freeman, WV Bramwell, WV 59921 Lake McDonald, WT Lake Mc Donald, WT
- None
There were twenty nine (29) Zip Code(s) deleted by the USPS.
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 33336 U Fort Lauderdale, FL 35144 P Siluria, AL 35237 P Birmingham, AL 36023 P East Tallassee, AL 36045 P Kent, AL 36061 P Perote, AL 36449 P Uriah, AL 36457 P Megargel, AL 36641 P Mobile, AL 36802 P Opelika, AL 36859 P Holy Trinity, AL 36872 P Valley, AL 38609 Marks, MS 38628 Sledge, MS 38630 P Farrell, MS 38669 P Sherard, MS 38675 Memphis Stc, MS 38749 P Indianola, MS 38926 P Elliott, MS 38945 P Greenwood, MS 38955 P Slate Spring, MS 38958 P Swan Lake, MS 39081 P Fayette, MS 39107 P McAdams, MS 39250 U Jackson, MS 39271 U Jackson, MS 39754 P Montpelier, MS 44486 U Warren, OH 92712 P Santa Ana, CA
The following Primary Counties for the following Zip Code(s) were updated in the September 2024 release:
Zip code State County Name County FIPS 00745 PR Humacao 72069 13064 NY Oswego 36075 18463 PA Pike 42103 30205 GA Spalding 13255 30220 GA Meriwether 13199 30627 GA Madison 13195 32008 FL Lafayette 12067 39162 MS Yazoo 28163 56146 MN Nobles 27105 58325 ND Benson 38005 58325 ND Benson 38005 59931 MT Flathead 30029 68856 NE Adams 31001 99903 AK Benson 02130 -
The following Counties were updated for the following Zip Code(s) in the September 2024 release:
ZIP Code State Old County Name Old County FIPS New County Name New County FIPS 25572 WV Lincoln 54043 Boone 54005 41021 KY Kenton 21117 Boone 21015 46288 IN Hamilton 18057 Marion 18097 99836 AK Petersburg 02195 Sitka 02220
- None
Released on: August 05, 2024
The number of active ZIP codes is 41,594
There were zero (0) Area Code(s) added by NANPA.
There were two (2) Zip Code(s) added by the USPS.
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 18768 U Wilkes Barre, PA
There was one (1) Zip Code where the "Preferred City" was updated.
ZIP Code Old City Name, State New City Name, State 28545 McCutcheon Field, NC MCAS New River, NC 84536 Monument Valley New, UT Monument Valley, UT -
Many Zip Codes in Connecticut have been updated to reflect the new County-equivalent Planning regions.
FIPS Code State County Name 09110 CT Capitol 09120 CT Greater Bridgeport 09130 CT Lower CT River Vly 09140 CT Naugatuck Vly 09150 CT Northeastern CT 09160 CT NW Hills 09170 CT South Central CT 09180 CT Southeastern CT 09190 CT Western CT
- None
There were six (6) Zip Code(s) deleted by the USPS.
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 09520 M FPO, AE 09574 M FPO, AE 09908 M APO, AE 09909 M APO, AE 96608 M FPO, AP 96609 M FPO, AP
- None
- None
Released on: July 08, 2024
The number of active ZIP codes is 41,599
Please Note: The State of Connecticut is changing from Counties to County-equivalent Planning Regions. This release includes the updated Planning Regions for Connecticut.
There were zero (0) Area Code(s) added by NANPA.
There were two (2) Zip Code(s) added by the USPS.
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 09905 M APO, AE 34012 M APO, AA
Many Zip Codes in Connecticut have been updated to reflect the new County-equivalent Planning regions. This will reflect in the County FIPS and County Name fields.
FIPS Code State County Name 09110 CT Capitol 09120 CT Greater Bridgeport 09130 CT Lower CT River Vly 09140 CT Naugatuck Vly 09150 CT Northeastern CT 09160 CT NW Hills 09170 CT South Central CT 09180 CT Southeastern CT 09190 CT Western CT
- None
There were twenty-one (21) Zip Code(s) deleted by the USPS.
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 09319 M APO, AE 09607 M FPO, AE 09863 M APO, AE 30447 P Norristown, GA 31084 P Seville, GA 31196 U Atlanta, GA 33337 U Fort Lauderdale, FL 34061 M FPO, AA 84141 U Salt Lake City, UT 88901 U The Lakes, NV 88905 U The Lakes, NV 89026 U Jean, NV 89067 Coyote Springs, NV 89159 U Las Vegas, NV 89164 U Las Vegas, NV 89185 P Las Vegas, NV 89405 P Empire, NV 89555 U Reno, NV 89802 P Elko, NV 96606 M FPO, AP 96919 Agana Heights, GU
The following Counties were added back in the July 2024 release:
ZIP County FIPS ST 37144 Giles 47055 TN 58718 Renville 38075 ND 67748 Sheridan 20179 KS 68714 Holt 31089 NE
- None
Released on: June 13, 2024
The number of active ZIP codes is 41,618
Please Note:
The State of Connecticut is changing from Counties to County-equivalent Planning Regions.
This release does not include the updated Planning Regions for Connecticut, we plan to introduce these changes in the July 2024 update.
For additional information, you may refer to: Federal Register - Change to County-Equivalents in the State of Connecticut.
There were zero (0) Area Code(s) added by NANPA.
There were three (3) Zip Code(s) added by the USPS.
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 09297 M DPO, AE 09298 M DPO, AE 09299 M DPO, AE -
There were two (2) County Name variation(s) added to the following ZIP Code(s):
ZIP Code County Name County FIPS State 16674 Fulton 42057 PA 32145 Flagler 12035 FL
There was twenty-six (26) Zip Code where the County Name was updated.
ZIP Code County County FIPS State 43003 Morrow 39117 OH 43011 Morrow 39117 OH 43019 Morrow 39117 OH 43050 Morrow 39117 OH 43074 Morrow 39117 OH 43314 Morrow 39117 OH 43315 Morrow 39117 OH 43317 Morrow 39117 OH 43320 Morrow 39117 OH 43321 Morrow 39117 OH 43325 Morrow 39117 OH 43334 Morrow 39117 OH 43338 Morrow 39117 OH 43349 Morrow 39117 OH 43350 Morrow 39117 OH 43356 Morrow 39117 OH 44813 Morrow 39117 OH 44833 Morrow 39117 OH 44903 Morrow 39117 OH 44904 Morrow 39117 OH 97818 Morrow 41049 OR 97836 Morrow 41049 OR 97838 Morrow 41049 OR 97839 Morrow 41049 OR 97843 Morrow 41049 OR 97844 Morrow 41049 OR
- None
There were five (5) Zip Code(s) deleted by the USPS.
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 30811 P Gough, GA 31195 U Atlanta, GA 33111 P Miami, FL 33151 P Miami, FL 33349 P Fort Lauderdale, FL -
There were two (2) County Name variation(s) removed from the following ZIP Code(s):
ZIP Code County Name County FIPS State 10590 Fairfield 09001 CT 10509 Fairfield 09001 CT
The following Counties were corrected in the June 2024 release:
FIPS Code State Old County Name Old County FIPS New County Name New County FIPS 39117 OH Kenton 39117 Morrow 39117 41049 OR Modoc 41049 Morrow 41049
- None
Released on: May 06, 2024
The number of active ZIP codes is 41,620
There were zero (0) Area Code(s) added by NANPA.
There were two (2) Zip Code(s) added by the USPS.
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 09856 M DPO, AE 96503 M APO, AP -
There was seven (7) County Name variation(s) added to the following ZIP Code(s):
ZIP Code County Name County FIPS State 13322 Herkimer 36043 NY 13332 Madison 36053 NY 17048 Schuylkill 42107 PA 83851 Kootenai 16055 ID
There was one (1) Zip Code where the "Preferred City" was updated.
ZIP Code Old City Name, State New City Name, State 50940 Des Moines, IA Boone, IA
- None
There were nineteen (19) Zip Code(s) deleted by the USPS.
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 00636 P Rosario, PR 00930 P San Juan, PR 77209 U Houston, TX 78472 P Corpus Christi, TX 85039 Phoenix, AZ 85065 Phoenix, AZ 85073 Phoenix, AZ 85075 P Phoenix, AZ 85671 P Sierra Vista, AZ 85720 P Tucson, AZ 85722 P Tucson, AZ 91526 U Burbank, CA 94207 U Sacramento, CA 94208 U Sacramento, CA 94211 U Sacramento, CA 94234 U Sacramento, CA 94245 U Sacramento, CA 94282 U Sacramento, CA 94291 U Sacramento, CA -
There was one (1) County Name variation(s) removed from the following ZIP Code(s):
ZIP Code County Name County FIPS State 25526 Lincoln 54043 WV
- None
- None
Released on: April 08, 2024
The number of active ZIP codes is 41,637
There was one (1) Area Code(s) added by NANPA.
Area Code State 235 Missouri -
There was seven (7) County Name variation(s) added to the following ZIP Code(s):
ZIP Code County Name County FIPS State 13361 Otsego 36077 NY 39090 Winston 28159 MS 39735 Winston 28159 MS 57383 Brule 46015 SD 63473 Clark 29045 MO 72839 Newton 05101 AR 76491 Stephens 48429 TX
- None
- None
There were one (1) Zip Code(s) deleted by the USPS.
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 33072 P Pompano Beach, FL
- None
- None
Released on: March 04, 2024
The number of active ZIP codes is 41,638
There was one (1) Zip Code(s) added by the USPS.
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 34061 M FPO, AA -
There was four (4) Area Code(s) added by NANPA.
Area Code State 879 Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada 327 Arkansas 324 Florida 436 Ohio -
There was four (4) County Name variation(s) added to the following ZIP Code(s):
ZIP Code County Name County FIPS State 29718 Kershaw 45055 SC 38371 Decatur 47039 TN 45647 Vinton 39163 OH 66711 Bourbon 20011 KS
- None
- None
There were four (4) Zip Code(s) deleted by the USPS.
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 06749 U Waterbury, CT 52204 U Amana, IA 94195 U Sherman Oaks, CA 91496 U Van Nuys, CA
- None
- None
Released on: February 05, 2024
The number of active ZIP codes is 41,641
There was one (1) Zip Code(s) added by the USPS.
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 96215 M FPO, AP -
There was one (1) Area Code(s) added by NANPA.
Area Code State 686 Virginia -
There was one (1) County Name variation(s) added to the following ZIP Code(s):
ZIP Code County Name County FIPS State 13850 Susquehanna 42115 PA
There was one (1) Zip Code where the ZIP Code Type was modified.
ZIP Code Old ZIP Type New ZIP Type 44199 P blank
- None
There were five (5) County Name variation(s) removed from the following ZIP Code(s):
ZIP Code County Name County FIPS State 26711 Frederick 51069 VA 39095 Carroll 28015 MS 40965 Claiborne 47025 TN 42234 Montgomery 47125 TN 64655 Sullivan 29211 MO -
There were fifty-one (51) Zip Code(s) deleted by the USPS.
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 09055 M APO, AE 09139 M APO, AE 09226 M APO, AE 09317 M APO, AE 09318 M APO, AE 09320 M APO, AE 09322 M APO, AE 09323 M APO, AE 09337 M APO, AE 09340 M APO, AE 09347 M APO, AE 09351 M APO, AE 09352 M APO, AE 09354 M APO, AE 09355 M APO, AE 09356 M APO, AE 09363 M FPO, AE 09378 M APO, AE 09381 M APO, AE 09496 M APO, AE 09497 M APO, AE 09589 M FPO, AE 09601 M DPO, AE 09617 M FPO, AE 09626 M FPO, AE 09631 M FPO, AE 09703 M APO, AE 09758 M APO, AE 09760 M APO, AE 09789 M APO, AE 09800 M APO, AE 09833 M APO, AE 09839 M APO, AE 09851 M APO, AE 09852 M APO, AE 09856 M DPO, AE 09861 M APO, AE 09865 M FPO, AE 09868 M APO, AE 09876 M APO, AE 09901 M APO, AE 09910 M APO, AE 34038 M APO, AA 34044 M APO, AA 96267 M APO, AP 96323 M APO, AP 96330 M APO, AP 96522 M FPO, AP 96539 M APO, AP 96546 M APO, AP 96617 M FPO, AP
- None
- None
Released on: January 08, 2024
The number of active ZIP codes is 41,691
There was one (1) Zip Code(s) added by the USPS.
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 90140 U Los Angeles, CA -
There was one (1) County Name variation(s) added to the following ZIP Code(s):
ZIP Code County Name County FIPS State 13309 Lewis 36049 NY
There was one (1) Zip Code where the "City" was renamed by the USPS.
ZIP Code Old City Name, State New City Name, State 92880 Corona, CA Eastvale, CA
- None
There were two (2) County Name variation(s) removed from the following ZIP Code(s):
ZIP Code County Name County FIPS State 63453 Scotland 29199 MO 82930 Summit 49043 UT
- None
- None
Released on: December 04, 2023
The number of active ZIP codes is 41,690
There were two (2) Zip Code(s) added by the USPS.
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 09296 M DPO, AE 90205 U Bell Gardens, CA -
There were three (3) County Name variations added to the following ZIP Codes:
ZIP Code County Name County FIPS State 65081 Morgan 29141 MO 31316 Liberty 13179 GA 27889 Martin 37117 NC
- None
- None
There were five (5) Zip Code(s) deleted by the USPS.
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 09001 M APO, AE 91329 U Northridge, CA 91611 U North Hollywood, CA 91612 U North Hollywood, CA 96510 M FPO, AP
- None
- None
Released on: November 06, 2023
The number of active ZIP codes is 41,693
There were zero (0) Zip Code(s) added by the USPS.
There was one (1) Area Code(s) added by NANPA.
Area Code State 975 Missouri -
There were two (2) County Name(s) added to the following ZIP Codes
ZIP Code County Name County FIPS 65559 Crawford 01093 58649 Perkins 46105
- None
- None
There was one (1) County Name(s) removed from the following ZIP Code(s):
ZIP Code County Name County FIPS 59845 Flathead 30029
- County Name: "Perkins" - FIPS: "46105" added to ZIP Code: "58649".
- None
Released on: October 09, 2023
The number of active ZIP codes is 41,693
There were zero (0) Zip Code(s) added by the USPS.
There was one (1) Area Code(s) added by NANPA.
Area Code State 353 Wisconsin -
There were two (2) County Name variations added to the following ZIP Codes:
ZIP Code County Name County FIPS State 35594 Fayette 01057 AL 65778 Randolph 05121 AR
There was one (1) Zip Code where the "City" was renamed by the USPS.
ZIP Code Old City Name, State New City Name, State 65305 Whiteman Air Force Base New, MO Whiteman Air Force Base, MO
- None
There were two (2) Zip Code(s) deleted by the USPS.
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 09117 M APO, AE 09841 M FPO, AE -
There were three (3) County Name variations removed from the following ZIP Codes:
ZIP Code County Name County FIPS State 25124 Kanawha 54039 WV 50147 Mercer 29129 MO 52070 Carroll 17015 IL
- None
- None
Released on: September 05, 2023
The number of active ZIP codes is 41,697
There were zero (0) Zip Code(s) added by the USPS.
There were zero (0) Area Code(s) added by NANPA. Changed
There was one (1) Zip Code where the "City" was renamed by the USPS.
ZIP Code Old City Name, State New City Name, State 84536 Monument Valley, UT Monument Valley New, UT
- None
There were two (2) Zip Code(s) deleted by the USPS.
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 55575 P Howard Lake, MN 80244 U Denver, CO
- None
- None
Released on: August 07, 2023
The number of active ZIP codes is 41,697
There was one (1) Zip Code(s) added by the USPS.
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 34071 M DPO, AA -
There was one (1) Area Code(s) added by NANPA.
Area Code State 730 Florida
- None
- None
- None
- None
- None
Released on: July 10, 2023
The number of active ZIP codes is 41,696
There were zero (0) Zip Code(s) added by the USPS.
There were two (2) Area Code(s) added by NANPA.
Area Code State 227 Maryland 382 Ontario
- None
- None
There were four (4) Zip Code(s) deleted by the USPS.
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 11381 U Flushing, NY 33911 P Fort Myers, FL 43550 P Okolona, OH 55988 P Stockton, MN
- None
- None
Released on: June 05, 2023
The number of active ZIP codes is 41,700
There were three (3) Zip Code(s) added by the USPS.
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 09118 M APO, AE 85144 San Tan Valley, AZ 96506 M APO, AP -
There was one (1) Area Code(s) added by NANPA.
Area Code State 274 Wisconsin
There were two (2) Zip Codes where the "City" was renamed by the USPS.
ZIP Code Old City Name, State New City Name, State 09647 APO, AE FPO, AE 65305 Whiteman AFB, MO Whiteman Air Force Base New, MO
- None
There was one (1) Zip Code(s) deleted by the USPS.
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 09115 M APO, AE
- None
- None
Released on: May 08, 2023
The number of active ZIP codes is 41,698
- There were zero (0) Zip Codes added, deleted, or renamed by the USPS.
There were two (2) Area Codes added by NANPA.
Area Code State 513 Ohio 506 New Brunswick
- None
Deprecated * None
- None
- None
- None
Released on: April 10, 2023
The number of active ZIP codes is 41,698
There was one (1) Zip Code added by the USPS.
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 09424 M FPO, AE -
There were two (2) Area Codes added by NANPA. |Area Code| State | |-----|----| | 728 | Florida| | 329 | New York|
There were nine (9) Zip Codes where the "City" was renamed by the USPS.
ZIP Code Old City Name, State New City Name, State 23801 Fort Lee, VA Fort Gregg Adams, VA 28307 Fort Bragg, NC Fort Liberty, NC 28310 Fort Bragg, NC Fort Liberty, NC 31905 Fort Benning, GA Fort Moore, GA 31995 Fort Benning, GA Fort Moore, GA 36362 Fort Rucker, AL Fort Novosel, AL 71459 Fort Polk, LA Fort Johnson, LA 76544 Fort Hood, TX Fort Cavazos, TX 96309 FPO, AP APO, AP
- None
There were nine (9) Zip Codes deleted by the USPS.
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 01470 U Groton, MA 01471 U Groton, MA 09113 M APO, AE 09890 M APO, AE 34050 M APO, AA 34051 M APO, AA 34052 M APO, AA 34053 M APO, AA 34054 M APO, AA
- None
- None
Released on: March 06, 2023
The number of active ZIP codes is 41,706
There were zero (0) Zip Codes added, changed or removed by the USPS.
There were two (2) Area Codes added by NANPA. |Area Code| State | |-----|----| | 369 | California| | 861 | Illinois|
- None
- None
- None
- None
Released on: February 10, 2023
The number of active ZIP codes is 41,706
Added one (1) new ZIP code
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 09117 M APO, AE -
There was one (1) Area Code added by NANPA. |Area Code| State | |-----|----| | 363 | New York|
- None
- None
- None
- None
Released on: January 9, 2023
The number of active ZIP codes is 41,705
Added one (1) new ZIP code
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 56963 U Parcel Return Service, DC
- ZIP Info Products are now provided by Melissa. Please see the ZipInfo Press Release for additional information here.
- None
- None
- None
- None
Released on: December 2022
The number of active ZIP codes is 41,704
Added three (3) new ZIP codes
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 09205 M APO, AE 09288 M DPO, AE 09295 M DPO, AE
- Data updates
- None
- None
- None
- None
Released on: November 2022
The number of active ZIP codes is 41,701
Added eight (8) new ZIP codes
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 09293 M DPO, AE 09294 M DPO, AE 09980 M DPO, AE 09981 M DPO, AE 09982 M DPO, AE 09983 M DPO, AE 09984 M DPO, AE 34072 M DPO, AA
- Data updates
- None
Removed one (1) existing ZIP code
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 20635 P Helen, MD
- None
- None
Released on: October 2022
The number of active ZIP codes is 41,694
Added two (2) new ZIP codes
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 09179 M DPO, AE 09284 M DPO, AE
- Data updates
- None
Removed two (2) existing ZIP codes
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 07829 P Buttzville, NJ 09125 M APO, AE
- None
- None
Released on: September 2022
The number of active ZIP codes is 41,694
Added two (2) new ZIP codes
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 09281 M DPO, AE 09282 M DPO, AE -
NANPA recently added two new area codes:
Area code 826 Virginia 948 Virginia
- Data updates
- None
Removed two (2) existing ZIP codes
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 09302 P APO, AE 09313 M FPO, AE
- None
- None
Released on: August 2022
The number of active ZIP codes is 41,694
NANPA recently added two (2) new area codes:
Area code 826 Virginia 948 Virginia
- Date updates
- None
Removed one (1) existing ZIP code
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 18690 U Dallas, PA
- None
- None
Released on: July 2022
The number of active ZIP codes is 41,695
NANPA recently added two (2) new area codes:
Area code 826 Virginia 948 Virginia
- Date updates
- None
- None
- None
- None
Released on: June 2022
The number of active ZIP codes is 41,695
Added two (2) new ZIP codes
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 09101 M DPO, AE 09978 M DPO, AE -
NANPA recently added one (1) new area code:
- 656: overlays A/C 813 in FL
- Alaska County Changes
- The State of Alaska and the Census Bureau recently divided the Valdez-Cordova Census Area into two new Census Areas: Copper River and Chugach. This change affected eight ZIP codes: 99566, 99573, 99574, 95586, 99588, 99677, 99686, and 99693. Valdez-Cordova Census Area no longer exists.
- None
Removed one (1) existing ZIP code
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 90233 P Culver City, CA
- None
- None
Released on: May 2022
The number of active ZIP codes is 41,694
Added four (4) new ZIP codes
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 09280 M DPO, AE 34009 M DPO, AA 34010 M DPO, AA 56964 U Parcel Return Sevice, DC -
NANPA recently added one (1) new area code:
- 656: overlays A/C 813 in FL
- Alaska County Changes
- The State of Alaska and the Census Bureau recently divided the Valdez-Cordova Census Area into two new Census Areas: Copper River and Chugach. This change affected eight ZIP codes: 99566, 99573, 99574, 95586, 99588, 99677, 99686, and 99693. Valdez-Cordova Census Area no longer exists.
- None
Removed one (1) existing ZIP code
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 19371 P Suplee, CA
- None
- None
Released on: April 2022
The number of active ZIP codes is 41,691
Added seven (7) new ZIP codes
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 09835 M APO, AE (military) 56980 U Parcel Return Sevice, DC 56981 U Parcel Return Sevice, DC 56982 U Parcel Return Sevice, DC 56983 U Parcel Return Sevice, DC 56984 U Parcel Return Sevice, DC 56985 U Parcel Return Sevice, DC -
NANPA recently added one (1) new area code:
- 656: overlays A/C 813 in FL
- Alaska County Changes
- The State of Alaska and the Census Bureau recently divided the Valdez-Cordova Census Area into two new Census Areas: Copper River and Chugach. This change affected eight ZIP codes: 99566, 99573, 99574, 95586, 99588, 99677, 99686, and 99693. Valdez-Cordova Census Area no longer exists.
- None
Removed one (1) existing ZIP code
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 80262 U Denver, CO
- None
- None
Released on: March 2022
The number of active ZIP codes is 41,685
Added two (2) new ZIP codes
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 09516 M FPO, AE (military) 09819 M APO, AE (military) -
NANPA recently added one (1) new area code:
- 656: overlays A/C 813 in FL
Renamed one (1) Zip Code
ZIP code ZIP Type City, State Code 05840 P from Granbyx to Granby VT -
Alaska County Changes
- The State of Alaska and the Census Bureau recently divided the Valdez-Cordova Census Area into two new Census Areas: Copper River and Chugach. This change affected eight ZIP codes: 99566, 99573, 99574, 95586, 99588, 99677, 99686, and 99693. Valdez-Cordova Census Area no longer exists.
- None
- None
- None
- None
Past Announcements
County-ZIP Code Product Downloader - October 16, 2023
Please see the County-ZIP Code Product Downloader for documentation on automating product updates.
County-ZIP Release Docs - August 31, 2023
Please see the new County-ZIP Release Docs for additional documentation.
ZIPInfo Products are now provided by Melissa - December 01, 2022
Please see the ZIPInfo Press Release for additional information here.
ZIP Info Products are now provided by Melissa - April 12, 2022
Please see the ZipInfo Press Release for additional information here