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Global Address Object

Important Announcements


General Information

Release Frequency: Quarterly

Release Date: Variable. Aiming for between the end of the first month and middle of second month of each quarter.

Next Release Date: November, 2024

Build History


Released on: August 2024

Global Address Object Version 7145


  • None


  • General Update

    • We have improved our list of recognizable country name variations. We are now able to correctly tag and recognize thousands of variations of country name apart from the standard ISO 3166 characters. Additionally, we have a number of upcoming items we are working on. They include:
      • Handling of Bulk Postal Code and DHL Parcel Shops in Germany
      • Non-Postal Data for Australia and Canada
      • NUTS and LAU data for the Eurozone

Plus more to come.

  • Data Updates

    • Reference Data Update


    • Address Pattern Recognition Update


  • Country Specific Updates

    • Bahrain

      We have changed our source for Bahrain to one that is more regularly updated.

      • DependentLocality no longer returned for fully verified addresses
    • Bulgaria

      We have changed our source. We do not expect any major impact from this change.

      • DependentLocality no longer returned for fully verified addresses
    • Canada

      • Improved an edge case where the street values the engine was over-aggresive is coding an address with invalid house numbers
    • Chile

      • PostalCodes with only 0’s will no longer be echoed in the output as they are not valid postal codes
    • Croatia

      We have upgraded our data source to one with better thoroughfare and premises number coverage.

      • Improved coding rate
      • SubAdministrativeArea no longer returned
    • Denmark

      • Improved engine to handle address patterns with Subpremise Type like Opgang.
      • Better handling of SubpremiselevelNumber.
      • Fixed an issue where extra Postalcode from Input addresslines returned as SubpremiseLevelNumber.
    • Falkland Islands

      We have improved our data source to include thoroughfares.

      • Coding to thoroughfare level now available
      • Improved geocoding to the thoroughfare level
    • France

      • Fixed a bug where double width characters (not used in the country) would result in non-standard values being returned in the output
      • Improved our input mapping to prevent some cases where address data was mapped as Organization
    • Germany

      • Resolved several cases of overaggressive coding of similar street names
    • Great Britain

      • Fixed an issue where a very minor percentage of addresses in our source database were not in a format that allowed inputs of those addresses to be correctly verified.
      • Fixed an issue where a few records had blank AdministrativeArea, SubNationalArea, or CountrySubdivisionCode values
    • Hong Kong

      • Fixed a few data issues where addresses may be tagged as belonging to a neighboring city.
      • Improved building recognition
      • Reduced false coding
    • Indonesia

      We have changed our source for Indonesia to one that is more regularly updated.

      • Improved an issue that resulted in double spaces being returned in the output
    • Italy

      • Improved handling and recognition of Rosso in the address
    • Japan

      • Fixed an issue where it was possible that a line break was returned within a parsed field for a few edge cases
    • Kayman Islands

      We have changed our source for Kayman Islands to one that is more regularly updated.

      • Postal codes tagged in the data as belonging to PO Boxes only
      • SubAdministrativeArea no longer returned
    • Korea

      We have updated our source for Korea to one that is more frequently updated and matches closer to the official governmental data for the country.

      • Improved geocoding
    • Laos

      • Improved thoroughfare level coverage
      • Improved house number coverage
    • Mexico

      • Improved recognition of different variations of the DependentLocality and Locality
      • Improved coding rate
      • Reduced false coding
      • Improved an issue where result code of GE02 was returned by itself
    • Netherlands

      We are happy to announce that we have a new partnership with PostNL. We are now making available official postal data for the country of Netherlands.

      • Improved coding accuracy using official postal data
      • Improved geocoding
    • Norway

      • We have updated our source data to account for the new 15 counties instead of the older 11 counties. The old AdministrativeArea of Viken has been reverted to Akershus, Buskerud and Østfold. Additionally, Vestfold and Telemark have divided into separate counties, as have Troms and Finnmark
      • Updated the CountrySubdivisionCode value to reflect the new counties.
    • Qatar

      We have changed our source as our previous source was deemed to be no longer reliable.

      • Improved Thoroughfare level coverage
      • Premises numbers no longer available
      • DependentLocality no longer returned for fully verified addresses
    • Romania

      We have changed our source to one that is more frequently updated.

      • DependentLocality no longer returned for fully verified addresses
    • San Marino

      We have improved our data source for San Marino to one that includes subpremises level data.

      • Improved coding rate due to better and more accurate data
      • Improved geocoding level
    • Sierra Leone

      We have improved our data source for Sierra Leone that improves coverage for all aspects of the address.

      • Improved street level coverage
      • Improved house number coverage
      • Improved Geocoding
    • Singapore

      • Fixed an issue where certain unexpected address input patterns resulted in the subpremises being left off of the output
      • Improved geocoding coverage
    • Sint Maarten (Dutch)

      We have updated our source to one with more accurate and more granular data.

      • Thoroughfare level coverage now available
      • Improved geocoding
    • Suriname

      We have updated our source for improved coverage.

      • Improved thoroughfare level coverage
      • Improved premise number coverage
    • Taiwan

      • Improved parsing of addresses that are not able to be coded
    • Tunisia

      • Improved parsing of addresses that are not able to be coded
    • United States

      • Improved handling of cities variations with an unnecessary "Township" added to it
      • Fixed an edge case crash when setting an input Organization that contains a specific pattern
      • Fixed a scenario where a few addresses did not return MelissaAddressKey values
      • Fixed an issue where single punctuation values were converted to General Delivery addresses
      • Improved handling of addresses in Puerto Rico with unexpected spaces
      • Improved handling of CMRA addresses where the PrivateMailbox looks like a suite on input
      • Improved handling of suites with unexpected spaces or dashes
      • Improved handling of base alternate records where the source data contained blank street ranges


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Released on: May 2024

Global Address Object Version 7021


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  • General Update

  • Data Updates

    • Reference Data Update


    • Address Pattern Recognition Update


  • Country Specific Updates

    • Afghanistan

      We have changed our source for Afghanistan as our previous source was deemed to be no longer reliable.

      • AdministrativeArea now available.
      • DependentLocality no longer returned.
    • Algeria

      We have upgraded our data source for Algeria.

      • Street level data now available
      • SubAdministrativeArea no longer returned.
    • Bosnia and Herzegovina

      We have upgraded our data source for Bosnia and Herzegovina to one with increased coverage.

      • Improved Street and house number data coverage
      • DependentLocality no longer returned
    • Botswana

      Our previous source for Botswana was deemed to be unreliable. We have moved to a more current source with better coverage. However, this meant that we will no longer be able to verify to house numbers.

      • Improved street level coverage
      • House numbers no longer a part of our source data
      • Improved area level verification
      • SubNationalArea no longer returned
      • SubAdministrativeArea now returned
      • DependentLocality available for area level only validations
    • Canada

      • Fixed an issue where the incorrect CountySubDivisionCode prefix value was returned
      • Improved an edge case where the post direction was being changed incorrected in order to code the address
    • Eswatini

      We have updated our source for Eswatini. Our previous source is no longer available.

      • PostalCode no longer available
    • Falkland Islands

      We have updated our source for Falkland Islands. Our previous source is no longer available.

      • AdministrativeArea now available.
    • France

      • Improvements to reduce incidents of false coding
      • Improved recognition of address patterns
    • Great Britain

      • Resolved an edge case where pieces of the subpremises information and other parsed values were not included in the FormattedAddress or Address lines
      • Fixed an issue where a comma was rarely being returned at the end of the thoroughfare, building, or premises number
    • Hong Kong

      • Significant improvement in the coding accuracy and reduction of false coding
      • Improved pattern recognition
      • Fixed an issue where some parsed components were missing in the FormattedAddress and Address lines
    • Ireland

      • Alias data from the postal authority (EIRCode) is now available
    • Italy

      • Reduced false coding
      • Improved handling of German language addresses in the German areas of Bolzano
    • Laos

      We have updated our source as our previous source was no longer available.

      • DependentLocality no longer returned
    • Lebanon

      We have upgraded our source for improved data coverage

      • Improved street level coverage
      • Postalcode now returned
      • DependentLocality no longer returned
      • Improved area validation
    • Lesotho

      We have upgraded our source for improved data coverage

      • SubAdministrativeArea no longer returned
    • Malta

      • Signficant improvement in address patterns handled by the engine
      • Improve handling of different variations of possible input areas
    • Netherlands

      • Improved casing of special Dutch language patterns
      • Improved casing of specific cities in the countries that had alternate casing standards
    • New Zealand

      • AddressType values have been changed to single letter values to match up with other countries that use AddressType
    • Norway

      Our Norway data has been updated to reflect changes to the administrative divisions that took effect on January 1st, 2024.

      • Norway went from 11 administrative area values to 15.
      • CountrySubdivisonCode value also updated to correspond to these changes
    • Oman

      We have changed sources as our previous data source is no longer available

      • House number data is no longer available in the source
      • Improved street level data coverage
    • Papua New Guinea

      We have changed sources as our previous data source was deemed to be no longer reliable

      • SubAdministrativeArea no longer returned
    • San Marino

      Our data source for San Marino has been upgraded to a postal authority source.

      • Improved street level data coverage
      • Improved house number coverage
      • Subpremises level data now available
    • Saint Kitts and Nevis

      • SubNationalArea now returned
    • Saint Lucia

      • AdministrativeArea now available
      • SubNationalArea no longer returned
    • Singapore

      • Improved handling of streets that contain numbers as part of the street name
      • Fixed an issue where some parsed address components were missing from the FormattedAddress and Address lines
      • Reduced false coding
      • Improved handling of address patterns that contained the “~” character in the address
      • Improved parsing for Postbox addresses
    • Spain

      • Reduced false coding
      • Fixed an issue where a few addresses did not return the proper version of the address that contained diacritics when OutputScript=Native.
    • Tajikistan

      We have changed sources as our previous data source was deemed to be no longer reliable

      • DependentLocality no longer returned
    • Togo

      • Improved house number coverage now available
    • United States

      • Improved handling of addresses with single letter street names that also have predirection or postdirection.
      • Fixed an issue where the incorrect CountySubDivisionCode prefix value was returned
      • Fixed an issue where putting extra # characters would prevent coding
    • Venezuela

      We have changed sources as our previous data source is no longer available

      • DependentLocality no longer returned


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Released on: February 2024

Global Address Object Version 6935


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  • General Update

    • We have updated our underlying libraries to use Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 for Windows users. This was done to leverage the latest libraries with latest efficiencies and security improvements. There should be no impacts to Windows users as we are including all linked libraries within the Global Address binary.

    • We have made a concerted effort to add more countries with ISO 3166-2 Country Subdivision Code. There are still more to do but our list is growing at over 100+ countries.

  • Data Updates

    • Reference Data Update


    • Address Pattern Recognition Update


  • Country Specific Updates

    • Aruba

      • AdministrativeArea now returned
    • Austria

      • Improved handling of subpremises variations
      • Added alias information. Now, non-official but still used variations of an address, as designated by AustriaPost, will be coded as valid
    • Belgium

      • Better handling and parsing of BUS premises
    • Brazil

      • Major data update to improve coverage
    • Finland

      • MelissaAddressKey values now available
    • France

      • Improved handling for different non-standard variations of subpremise and building information in the address lines
      • We have made an improvement to code more potential addresses. For thoroughfares in the postal source data that does not have any possible premises number, based on local research, we will now code those to AV24. These are interpreted as local special delivery areas that should be fully validated even without a house number
    • Germany

      • Fixed an over-aggressiveness issue where a exact thoroughfare name match would be chosen with a different Locality and postal code over a close fuzzy thoroughfare name match in the same Locality and postal code
      • Fixed an issue where some latin version of diacritics returned (when OutputScript is set to Latin) was not the correct preferred version
    • Great Britain

      • Fixed an edge case pattern where some records in the Royal Mail PAF data that did not have a normal format were not carried over to our database. Less than 1% of addresses were affected
    • Hong Kong

      We have made a major update with new data along with a revamped and improved engine.

      • Better building data now available
      • More accurate premises data now available. Buildings and centers that cover more than one house number are more accurately parsed as premises number
      • Significant reduction in over-aggressiveness
      • Improved handling of duplicate area names from the input
      • Improved casing for Locality values
      • Improved FormattedAddress to more closely match postal preferences
      • MelissaAddressKey values now available
    • Indonesia

      We have changed our source for Indonesia as our previous source was deemed to be no longer reliable. We will look for new and better sources for this country for the future.

      • FormattedAddress improved to more closely match local postal standards
      • The prefix of “No. “ added to the premises number as per postal preference
      • StreetName prefix of Jl instead of Jalan being used as per postal preference
      • SubAdministrativeArea now available
      • Fixed an issue where duplicate area names were sometimes being returned
      • UTC and Timezone now available
    • Ireland

      • Improved coding rate
      • Drastically improved speed (35%-40%)
      • Reduced false corrections
    • Italy

      • Improved parsing for non-verified inputs
      • Filled in cases where CountrySubdivisionCode returned were blank
    • Latvia

      • MelissaAddressKey values now available
    • Maldives

      • AdministrativeArea and SubNationalArea values updated with better values
    • Mexico

      • Improved several cases of over aggressive address changes
    • New Zealand

      • MelissaAddressKey values now available
      • AddressType now available
    • Saudi Arabia

      We have changed our source for Saudi Arabia as our previous source was not being updated anymore. We will look for new and better sources for this country for the future.

      • House number coverage no longer available
      • FormattedAddress improved to more closely match local postal standards
      • Locality and PostalCode now returned in separate address lines as per local postal standards
      • DoubleDependentLocality now available
      • UTC and Timezone now available
    • Singapore

      • Updated the data to improve address coverage
      • Reduced false coding
      • More address patterns recognized, especially of addresses with subpremises
    • Spain

      • Improved street type pattern recognition
    • Sudan

      • SubAdministrativeArea no longer returned
    • Thailand

      We have changed our source for Thailand as our previous source was deemed to be no longer reliable. We will look for new and better sources for this country for the future.

      • FormattedAddress improved to more closely match local postal standards
      • DependentLocality and Locality returned on the same line as per postal preference
      • Fixed an issue where duplicate area names were sometimes being returned
      • UTC and Timezone now available
    • Turkey

      • Filled in cases where CountrySubdivisionCode returned were blank
    • United States

      • Improved logic for recognizing LA vs Los Angeles and NY vs New York when the house number is invalid.
      • Improved pattern recognition of Urbanization in the Address2 line.
      • Fixed an issue where in some cases, the MelissaAddressKey was not being cleared correctly between records.
      • Fixed an issue where US or US Territory inputs that contains a diacritic that was not within code page 1252 resulted in the address not coding.


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Released on: November 2023

Global Address Object Version 6789


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  • General Update

    • We are excited to partner with Başarsoft to provide access to the best Address and Geocoding data available for the country of Turkey. Başarsoft is the premier in-country provider of address and geographic information for the country and is the exclusive authorized MapInfo representative for Turkey since 1999. There is no better available on the market.
  • Data Updates

    • Reference Data Update


    • Address Pattern Recognition Update


  • Country Specific Updates

    • Algeria

      We have changed our data source for Algeria as our previous source was deemed to be no longer reliable. This country is now a locality level country as we search for better alternatives.

      • FormattedAddress improved to better match in country postal standards
      • DependentLocality and SubAdministrativeArea no longer returned
      • SubAdministrativeArea now returned
      • Timezone and Daylight Savings flag now available
    • Argentina

      • The full 7 digit postal code is now available for portions of the country. We are working on adding more coverage.
    • Australia

      • Improved Geocoding coverage and increase percentage of rooftop level geocoding available
      • We are working on Non-postal data to be made available in a future update
    • Austria

      • Improved coding rates
      • Improved pattern recognition and handling of typos and errors
      • Added more abbreviations and patterns in the handling of subpremises types
    • Bahrain

      We have updated our data source for Bahrain to increase and improve coverage.

      • Improved street level and house number coverage
      • Improved geocoding
      • FormattedAddress improved to better match in country postal standards
      • AdministrativeArea and DependentLocality now available
      • Timezone and Daylight Savings flag now available
    • Belarus

      • Improved Thoroughfare Leading Type coverage and parsing
    • Cook Islands

      • No longer returning postal code from the input as they are not used in the country
    • Djibouti

      • We have added partial house number coverage data for this country
    • Ecuador

      We have updated our data source for Ecuador. Our new data source has high quality thoroughfare level data but no longer has house level coverage. It was determined that our previous data source did not have consistent house number coverage.

      • Improved thoroughfare level coverage
      • Better pattern matching for thoroughfares and dependent thoroughfares
      • FormattedAddress improved to better match in country postal standards
      • SubAdministrativeArea now available for return
      • Timezone and Daylight Savings flag now available
    • El Salvador

      We have updated our data source for El Salvador to improve coverage.

      • Improved street level coverage
      • FormattedAddress improved to better match in country postal standards
      • Improved handling of duplicate input data
      • SubAdministrativeArea no longer returned
      • Improved locality level geocoding
      • Timezone and Daylight Savings flag now available
    • Great Britain

      • Fixed an issue where the postbox number was returned in Premises instead of PostBox. This resulted in missing data in the FormattedAddress.
    • Guatemala

      We have changed our data source for Guatemala as our previous source was deemed to be no longer reliable.

      • Improved locality level geocoding
      • FormattedAddress improved to better match in country postal standards.
      • DependentLocality, SubAdministrativeArea, SubNationalArea no longer returned
      • Timezone and Daylight Savings flag now available
    • Hong Kong

      • Significantly reduced the incidents of false coding due to ambigious building names
      • Fixed an issue where Building was being returned in upper case
      • Fixed an issue an unnecessary space was present in some data returned in Chinese script
      • Fixed a bug where sometimes FormattedAddress would have missing data
    • Iraq

      We have updated our data source for Iraq to improve coverage.

      • Improved street level coverage
      • FormattedAddress improved to better match in country postal standards
      • Improved coverage for DependentLocality and SubAdministrativeArea
      • Timezone and Daylight Savings flag now available
    • Italy

      • Fixed an issue where input postal code would not be recognized correct and be duplicated in the output
      • Improved casing for streets that contain apostrophes
      • Improved recognition of different synonyms for numbers (ex: 20 vs Venti vs XX)
      • Improved recognition and parsing of Thoroughfare Leading Types
    • Malta

      We have updated our data for Malta to improve coverage and quality.

      • Full postal code for the full country now available
      • Full street level and house number level data now available
      • Improved geocoding
    • Nepal

      • We have added partial house number coverage data for this country
    • Senegal

      We have updated our data source for Senegal to improve coverage.

      • Improved street level and postal code coverage
      • FormattedAddress improved to better match in country postal standards
      • SubAdministrativeArea no longer returned
      • DoubleDependentLocality now available
      • Improved locality level geocoding
      • Timezone and Daylight Savings flag now available
    • Sierra Leone

      We have updated our data source for Sierra Leone to improve coverage.

      • Improved street level and house number coverage
      • Improved geocoding
      • FormattedAddress improved to better match in country postal standards. Thoroughfare type now returned in non-abbreviated form.
      • SubAdministrativeArea now available
      • Timezone and Daylight Savings flag now available
    • Singapore

      • Resolved the issue where streets that end in a number were falsely changed to a similar street. The number was being interpreted as a subpremise.
      • Improved recognition and handling of multiple different subpemise patterns
      • Fixed a issue where input postal code was sometimes not recognized and duplicated on the output.
    • United States

      • Fixed an issue where MelissaAddressKey and MelissaAddressKeyBase values for a invalid address was being inherited from the previous record if the previous records was a valid address.
      • We have changed last line of the FormattedAddress from using the common but more informal "City, State Zip" to the more USPS preferred version of "City State Zip" as per their latest postal address standards:


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Released on: August 2023

Global Address Object Version 6723


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  • General Update

    • We are happy to announce our new partnership with New Zealand Post. We are now providing our users with the best and most detailed NZ data available. Additionally, the long-anticipated CASS Cycle O from the USPS is now here. We have passed our certification and all new cycle changes are now included. More details in the United States section below.
  • Data Updates

    • Reference Data Update


    • Address Pattern Recognition Update


  • Country Specific Updates

    • Aland Islands

      • Improved area level validation
      • Reduced false coding
    • Aruba

      • No longer returning postal code from the input as they are not used in the country
    • Australia

      • Reduced cases of false coding
      • Greatly improved coverage of rooftop level geocoding
    • Bangladesh

      We have updated our data source for Bangladesh. This country has been changed to a street level validation country (AV-3) as it was determined that our house number data source was insufficient.

      • Improved thoroughfare level coverage
      • Improved Geocoding
      • Formatted Address updated to better comply with postal standards
      • Address lines will now return house number before street to match country preferences
      • Reduced the incidence of false coding
      • SubAdministrativeArea no longer returned
      • CountrySubdivisionCode, Timezone and Daylight Savings flag now available
    • Belgium

      • MAK numbers now available
    • Belize

      • No longer returning postal code from the input as they are not used in the country
    • Benin

      • No longer returning postal code from the input as they are not used in the country
    • Bonaire, St Eustatius and Saba

      • No longer returning postal code from the input as they are not used in the country
    • Botswana

      • No longer returning postal code from the input as they are not used in the country
    • Brunei Darussalam

      We have updated our data source for Brunei Darussalam to improve coverage.

      • Improved house number coverage
      • Improved Geocoding
      • Formatted Address updated to better comply with postal standards
      • Locality and AdministrativeArea positioning now better reflect country preferences
      • Reduced the incidence of false coding
      • DependentLocality no longer returned
      • SubAdministrativeArea now returned
      • Timezone and Daylight Savings flag now available
    • Burkina Faso

      • No longer returning postal code from the input as they are not used in the country
    • Burundi

      • No longer returning postal code from the input as they are not used in the country
    • Chad

      • No longer returning postal code from the input as they are not used in the country
    • Comoros

      • No longer returning postal code from the input as they are not used in the country
    • Cote D’Ivoire

      • No longer returning postal code from the input as they are not used in the country
    • Curacao

      • No longer returning postal code from the input as they are not used in the country
    • Denmark

      • MAK numbers now available
    • Dominica

      • No longer returning postal code from the input as they are not used in the country
    • Democratic Republic of Congo

      • No longer returning postal code from the input as they are not used in the country
    • Gabon

      • No longer returning postal code from the input as they are not used in the country
    • Gambia

      • No longer returning postal code from the input as they are not used in the country
    • Germany

      • Improving coding for addressing missing the “ß”.
      • Improved coverage of Packstation addresses
    • Gernada

      • No longer returning postal code from the input as they are not used in the country
    • Hong Kong

      We have done a major data update and significantly improved our data.

      • Improved coding rates
      • Major improvement on Building data available for the country
      • Major Improvement on Chinese data available for the country
      • Improvement on the locality data
      • Major improvement on latitude and longitude precision
      • SubBuilding data now available
    • Kenya

      We have updated our data source for Kenya.

      • Improved Geocoding
      • Formatted Address updated to better comply with postal standards
      • DependentLocality and AdministrativeArea no longer returned as part of the FormattedAddress
      • No longer returning postal code from the input as they are not used in the country
      • Better SubAdministrativeArea data now returned
      • Timezone and Daylight Savings flag now available
    • Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of

      • No longer returning postal code from the input as they are not used in the country
    • Lebanon

      We have updated our data source for Lebanon to improve coverage.

      • Improved House Number and Street coverage
      • Formatted Address updated to better comply with postal standards
      • Better SubAdministrativeArea data now returned
      • Timezone and Daylight Savings flag now available
    • Macau

      We have updated our data source.

      • Formatted Address updated to better comply with postal standards
      • DependentLocality no longer returned as part of the FormattedAddress
      • No longer returning postal code from the input as they are not used in the country
      • SubAdministrativeArea and AdministrativeArea no longer returned
      • Improved Geocoding
      • Timezone and Daylight Savings flag now available
    • Mauritius

      We have updated our data source for Mauritius to improve coverage.

      • Improved Street coverage
      • Timezone and Daylight Savings flag now available
    • Monaco

      • Improved the casing of thoroughfare types in the Address lines and parsed fields
    • Namibia

      We have updated our data source for Namibia to improve coverage.

      • Improved Street coverage
      • Formatted Address updated to better comply with postal standards
      • DependentLocality no longer returned as part of the FormattedAddress
      • Timezone and Daylight Savings flag now available
      • Improved Geocoding
    • Norway

      • MAK Numbers now available
    • New Zealand

      We are happy to officially kick off our partnership with New Zealand Post and provide our users with official NZPost address data.

      • SubPremise and Building information now available
      • Premium Rooftop geocoding now available
      • FormattedAddress updated to fit NZPost standards for Rural and Urban data
      • SubAdministrativeArea no longer returned
      • CountrySubdivisionCode now available
    • Poland

      • Improved pattern recognition and coding accuracy
      • Reduced false coding
      • Fixed a bug where part of the input was not correctly echoed to the output
      • Cleaned up data that was slotted into Remnants
    • Sao Tome and Principe

      • No longer returning postal code from the input as they are not used in the country
    • Solomon Islands

      • No longer returning postal code from the input as they are not used in the country
    • Tanzania

      We have updated our data source for Tanzania to improve coverage.

      • PostalCode data now available
      • Formatted Address updated to better comply with postal standards
      • PostalCode now returned as part of the FormattedAddress
      • Timezone and Daylight Savings flag now available
      • Improved Geocoding
      • DependentLocality no longer returned
      • SubAdministrativeArea data now available
    • Timor Leste

      • No longer returning postal code from the input as they are not used in the country
    • United Arab Emirates

      • Improved Thoroughfare parsing
    • United States

      We have undergone the certification process for the new USPS CASS Cycle O. This CASS Cycle encompasses all the latest rules and changes from the USPS.

      • Improved handling of CMRA (Commercial Mail Receiving Agency)
      • Now it is possible for zips to cross state lines
      • Improved handling of single alpha suffixes on house numbers. For more information, please see the USPS executive summary here
      • Fixed a bug where for some edge cases, no AV codes were missing from the Results
    • Vanuatu

      • No longer returning postal code from the input as they are not used in the country
    • Yemen

      • No longer returning postal code from the input as they are not used in the country


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Released on: June 2023

Global Address Object Version 6629


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  • General Update

    • We have fixed an issue where for AE05 (Multiple Match) errors, the engine could sometimes return an administrative area value that is incorrect or in the incorrect script.

    • Country Subdivision Code, also known as ISO 3166-2, is a code for identifying the principal subdivisions of a country defined and maintained by the ISO Organization ( We have made substantial progress is getting these values filled out for countries where they are used. With this update, we have added these values to a significant number of countries.

  • Data Updates

    • Reference Data Update


    • Address Pattern Recognition Update


  • Country Specific Updates

    • ANGOLA

      • No longer returning postal code from input as they are not used in the country
      • SubAdministrativeArea no longer returned
      • Improvement in Geocoding
      • CountrySubdivisionCode, Timezone, and Daylight Savings flag now available
    • ALAND ISLANDS We have updated our source for Aaland Island to a postal quality source.

      • Premises level data (AV-4) data now available
      • Rooftop geocoding now available
      • Locality is now upper cased in the formatted address per postal preference
      • CountrySubdivisionCode, Timezone, and Daylight Savings flag now available
    • AUSTRALIA We have performed a revamp of our Australia engine to improve our matching capabilities and coding rates for this country.

      • Improved recognition of thoroughfare trailing types, including alternate variations and common typos
      • Decreased cases of false coding
      • Improved coding rates and handling of more exotic addresses

      • Postal codes from the input will no longer be carried through to output as the country does not use postal codes
    • CANADA

      • Fixed a bug where duplicated data can rarely be found in the formatted address
    • CHAD

      • Postal codes from the input will no longer be carried through to output as the country does not use postal codes
    • CONGO We have updated our data source for The Republic of Congo.

      • Improved thoroughfare level coverage
      • Improved Geocoding
      • CountrySubdivisionCode, Timezone, and Daylight Savings flag now available

      • Improved thoroughfare parsing
      • CountrySubdivisionCode now available

      • Postal codes from the input will no longer be carried through to output as the country does not use postal codes
    • ESWANTINI We have updated our data source for Seychelles as our previous source is no longer deemed to be reliable.

      • Locality in the Formatted Address is now upper cased to better fit postal preference
      • Improved area level validation
      • Improved geocoding
    • FRANCE

      • We have improved our rooftop level geocoding data for France. Users should notice a significant increase in the number of rooftop level geocodes (GS05) moving forward with this update.

      • Fixed an issue where setting the OutputScript to Latin produced an address using a non-preferred version of the thoroughfare
      • Fixed an issue where a few localities could be returned with a non-preferred spelling
    • GUINEA We have updated our source for Guinea with better quality data.

      • Thoroughfare level validation now available
      • Improved geocoding
      • Formatted Address updated to better conform to postal preferences
      • Postal codes no longer echoed from input to output as the country does not use postal codes
      • CountrySubdivisionCode, Timezone, and Daylight Savings flag now available
    • GUYANA

      • Improved Thoroughfare and premises level coverage
      • Improved geocoding
    • HONDURAS We have updated our data source for Honduras.

      • Improved Thoroughfare level validation now available
      • Improved geocoding
      • Improved handling of dependent thoroughfare data in the input
      • Formatted Address updated to better conform to postal preferences
      • SubAdministrativeArea no longer returned
      • Timezone and Daylight Savings flag now available
    • IRAN We have updated our data source for Iran.

      • Thoroughfare level coding now possible
      • Formatted Address now more closely matches to postal standards
    • KOREA

      • Fixed an issue where Korean script could sometimes be returned when OutputScript was set to Latin.
    • MALI We have updated our data source for Mali.

      • Improved thoroughfare level coverage
      • Improved geocoding
      • Postal codes from the input will no longer be carried through to output as the country does not use postal codes
      • SubAdministrativeArea and SubNationalArea no longer returned
      • Timezone and Daylight Savings flag now available
    • MEXICO

      • Improving handling of abbreviated or non-standard thoroughfare types
    • MOLDOVA We have updated our data source for Moldova with a premium quality data source.

      • Premises level validation now available
      • Rooftop geocoding now available
      • Formatted Address now more closely matches to postal standards
      • Postal Code Prefix no longer used

      • Improved Thoroughfare coverage
      • Improved Geocoding coverage

      • Official CountryName changed from Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of to North Macedonia as per Iso Standards.
    • POLAND

      • We have performed a major data refresh for Poland to fill in some missing rural areas that were missing in previous updates.
    • SEYCHELLES We have updated our data source for Seychelles as our previous source is no longer deemed to be reliable.

      • Seychelles is now a locality level validation country
      • AdministrativeArea now returned in Formatted Address as per postal preference
      • Postal codes from the input will no longer be carried through to output as the country does not use postal codes

      • Improved pattern matching and coding rate
      • Improved geocoding rate
      • Significantly improved our parsing results for addresses we do not validate
    • SWEDEN

      • • Fixed an issue where diacritics could be converted to an incorrect ascii value when setting OutputScript to Latin.
    • TURKEY

      • Official country name changed from Turkey to Turkiye as per Iso Standards. Note that we are not using the diacritic version of Türkiye as many postal agencies do not want diacritic versions of country names in the mail stream.

      • Fixed an issue where Urbanization could be returned twice in the Formatted Address
    • ZAMBIA We have updated our data source for Zambia.

      • Improved thoroughfare level coverage
      • Improved geocoding
      • Formatted Address updated to better conform to postal preferences
      • Postal code data now available for return
      • Timezone and Daylight Savings flag now available
    • ZIMBABWE We have updated our data source for Zimbabwe.

      • Improved thoroughfare level coverage
      • Improved geocoding
      • Postal codes from the input will no longer be carried through to output as the country does not use postal codes
      • SubAdministrativeArea output now available
      • DependentLocality no longer returned
      • Timezone and Daylight Savings flag now available


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Released on: March 2023

Global Address Object Version 6425


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  • General Update

    • We have made a general improvement to our engine to cut down on the possibility of inputs with fake or garbage data to take a very long time to process
  • Data Updates

    • Reference Data Update


    • Address Pattern Recognition Update


  • Country Specific Updates


      We have updated our data source for Andorra with a premium quality data source.

      • Improved Thoroughfare coverage
      • Improved House number coverage
      • Improved Rooftop level geocoding
      • We can now return DST flag, UTC, and Timezone information
      • AdministrativeArea and CountrySubdivisionCode are now available

      We have updated our data source for Armenia with a premium quality data source.

      • Postal Code now available
      • Improved Thoroughfare coverage
      • House number and Subpremise number information now available
      • SubAdministrativeArea no longer returned
      • We can now return DST flag, UTC, and Timezone information
      • CountrySubdivisionCode are now available
      • Formatted Address now more closely matches to postal standards

      • Increase AV24 matching rates for cases where a base street address exists by itself and also with subpremise info. Previously, if a base street address had subpremises, our engine made a subpremise value required.

      We have improved our data source for Bahamas.

      • Improved Thoroughfare coverage
      • Improved House number coverage
      • Postal Codes from input no longer reflected in the output as this country does not use postal codes.
      • SubAdministrativeArea now available
      • Formatted Address now more closely matches to postal standards

      • Improved thoroughfare coverage.
    • CANADA

      • Fixed an issue where an input with no delivery address can have the locality, administrative area, and postal code put into the delivery address information.
    • CHAD

      We have updated our data source for Chad. Our new data source now has street level and house number data.

      • Formatted Address changed to closer match postal standards
      • SubNationalArea now available
      • SubAdministrativeArea and DependentLocality no longer returned

      • Input postal code values will no longer be returned as output postal code
      • Formatted Address will now include “Djibouti City” to along with Djibouti as the CountryName.
      • Improved Thoroughfare coverage

      We have updated our data source for Eritrea. Our new data source now has street level data.

      • Formatted Address changed to closer match postal standards
      • Thoroughfare level coverage now available
      • Improved Geocoding
      • The capital of Asmara City is now under the Administrative Area of Maekel

      • We have added new “Location” data as the locality and moved the existing Locality into SubAdministrativeArea. For major cities these values will be the same but for rural areas the new Locality will be a better value.
    • FRANCE

      In 2019, the Departments of France were subdivided into 332 arrondissements (or districts). We have revamped area levels of France to standardize them to the most current and most useful values. Note that the parts of the address that are used for mailing have not changed.

      MD Output Value
      Locality The locality of the mailing address
      SubAdministrative Area The 332 arrondissements of France*
      Administrative Area The 102 Departments of France*
      SubNational Area The 18 regions of France*
      * These values are not part of the mail address.
    • GABON

      We have updated our data source for Gabon. Our new data source now has street level data.

      • Thoroughfare level coverage now available
      • Improved Geocoding coverage
      • SubAdministrativeArea no longer returned

      Based on customer feedback, we have made a change to the Administrative Area values in our data. Instead of using the traditional county data, we are now using the Administrative county when populating this field.

      MD Output Source
      Locality Royal Mail PostalTown from the PAF data file
      Administrative Area Royal Mail Administrative County from the Alias file if available. Will use Traditional County or Formal Postal Count Administrative County is not available*
      SubNational Area Either England, North Ireland, Scotland, Wales, or British Forces*
      CountrySubdivisionCode The official ISO 3166-2 Country Subdivision Code value as defined by ISO. Use this value if you only want Administrative County values*
      * These values are not part of the mail address.
    • HAITI

      We have updated our data source for Haiti.

      • Improved Thoroughfare coverage
      • Improved Geocoding coverage
      • PostalCode now returned with a prefix of “HT” as per postal standards
      • Formatted Address now more closely matches to postal standards

      • MAK numbers, CountrySubdivisionCode, Timezone, and UTC now available.

      We have updated our data source for Liberia.

      • Improved Thoroughfare coverage
      • Improved Geocoding coverage
      • SubAdministrativeArea now returned
      • Formatted Address now more closely matches to postal standards
    • LIBYA

      We have updated our data source for Libya.

      • Improved Thoroughfare coverage
      • Improved Geocoding coverage
      • AdministrativeArea no longer returned
      • Postal code from input no longer returned in output as the country does not use postal codes.
      • Formatted Address now more closely matches to postal standard

      • MAK numbers, CountrySubdivisionCode, Timezone, and UTC now available.

      • Improved geocoding precision

      We have updated our data source for Luxembourg with a premium quality data source.

      • Improved Thoroughfare coverage
      • Improved House number coverage
      • Rooftop level geocoding now available
      • Boites Postales (AddressType=P) and PackUP (AddressType=U) data now available
      • We can now return DST flag, UTC, and Timezone information
      • CountrySubdivisionCode are now available
      • Improve thoroughfare parsing
      • Formatted Address now more closely matches to postal standards

      We have updated our data source for Madagascar.

      • Improved Thoroughfare coverage
      • Improved Geocoding coverage
      • SubAdministrativeArea and DependentLocality values now available
      • SubNationalArea no longer returned
      • Invalid PostalCode values no longer echoed in the output
      • Formatted Address now more closely matches to postal standards
    • MALAWI

      We have updated our data source for Malawi.

      • Improved Thoroughfare coverage
      • Improved Geocoding coverage
      • Improved Locality matching
      • SubNationalArea value now available
      • DependentLocality no longer returned
      • Formatted Address now more closely matches to postal standards
    • MEXICO

      We have made a major improvement in Mexico in both Data and engine. Mexico is a top tier country, ranked 15th in the world in GDP. It was very important for us to improve this country and keep this country as high quality as possible.

      • New high quality address data including detailed suburb information
      • New high quality rooftop data
      • Re-architected advanced fuzzy matching engine
      • Official ISO 3166-2 Country Subdivision Codes
      • Time zones and UTC information
      • Formatted Address updated to match postal and in-country mailing standards
    Key Numbers:
    - 1 million thoroughfares
    - 12 million address points with rooftop level geocoding
    - 126K suburb, locality, and postal code combinations
    • NIGER

      We have updated our data source for Niger.

      • Improved Thoroughfare coverage
      • Improved Geocoding coverage
      • DependentLocality now available
      • Postal code from input no longer returned in output as the country does not use postal codes.
      • Formatted Address now more closely matches to postal standards
    • NORWAY

      • Improved Thoroughfare parsing
    • SERBIA

      • MAK numbers, CountrySubdivisionCode, Timezone, and UTC now available.

      • No longer returning description lot numbers in the address as users found that unnecessary.
    • SWEDEN

      • Improved geocoding

      • Fixed the casing for the country from “Timor-leste” to “Timor-Leste”
    • UGANDA

      We have updated our data source for Uganda as the previous source was no longer deemed to be reliable.

      • Improved Geocoding coverage
      • DependentLocality and DoubleDependentLocality now available
      • SubAdministrativeArea and SubNationalArea no longer returned
      • Postal code from input no longer returned in output as the country does not use postal codes
      • Formatted Address now more closely matches to postal standards

      • Invalid Postal Code data removed from data source and no longer returned from input

      • Fixed an issue where an input with no delivery address can have the locality, administrative area, and postal code put into the delivery address information
      • Improved Geocoding coverage
      • The 108th Congressional District data is now available


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Released on: December 2022

Global Address Object Version 6338


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  • Data Updates

    • Reference Data Update

      We have made a significant general improvement in our engine relating to when OutputScript is set to Native or Latin. This setting will set the output to the Native script of a country or the Latin Script. In the previous version, there is a possibility that part of the address, notably the subpremise, building, subpremiselevel, or subbuilding may not always be returned using the desired script due to lack of data. We have improved our data and transliteration engine to mitigate this weakness.

    • Address Pattern Recognition Update


  • Country Specific Updates


      • We have updated the version of the locality to closer match Australian Post values. This affects a small percentage of records.

      • Fixed an issue in the FormattedAddress where Subpremise information can sometimes be on its own line instead of after the premises.

      We have updated our data source for Cambodia as our previous source quality has been deemed to be unsatisfactory. With this new source, changes include:

      • Updated the FormattedAddress to better align with postal preferences
      • We can now return DST flag, UTC, and Timezone information
      • SubAdminstrativeArea no longer returned
      • AV23 level verification now available for more popular streets
      • Improved geocoding coverage
      • Reduced incidents of false corrections
    • CANADA

      • Improved parsing of ThoroughfareLeadingType and ThoroughfareTrailingType
      • Fixed an issue where the thoroughfare type in the Thoroughfare field could have been in the wrong position. This occurred only in edge cases

      • Improved FormattedAddress in cases with an alphanumeric premise number
      • Improved Thoroughfare and PremiseNumber Parsing.

      We have updated our data source for Faroe Islands.

      • AdministrativeArea and SubAdministrativeArea now available as part of the new data
      • Improved parsing
      • Incidents of false correction reduced
      • Improved AV12 coding
      • Improved geocoding coverage

      We have updated our data source for Finland to a premium governmental source. With this new source comes improved address level coverage, data quality, and improved rooftop geocoding.

      • Updated the FormattedAddress to better align with postal preferences
      • Reduced false coding cases
      • SubNationalArea and SubAdministrativeArea no longer returned
      • Rooftop Geocoding now available

      • Fixed a few minor cases of misspellings in the locality

      • Improved and updated the CountrySubdivisionCode
    • GREECE

      • Fixed an issue where setting OutputScript=Latin could still result in Greek value returned.

      • Improved thoroughfare and area parsing
      • Improved coding rates in several uncommon scenarios

      • Updated the FormattedAddress to remove incidents of unnecessary commas

      • Fixed an issue where the SubAdministrativeArea was unnecessarily being used in the FormattedAddress in the capital of Vilnius for AV22 records

      • Improved Parsing
      • Improving coding in several uncommon scenarios

      • Improved area data to increase matches
      • Postal code no longer returned from input as they are not used
    • NEPAL

      We have improved our source data for Nepal. With this new data source comes an improvement in coding as well as geocoding.

      • Improved AV23 coding
      • SubadministrativeArea now returned
      • DependentLocality and SubNationalArea no longer returned
      • CountrySubdivisionCode now available
      • We can now return DST flag, UTC, and Timezone information
    • NORWAY

      We have updated our data source for Norway to a premium governmental source. With this new source comes improved address level coverage, data quality, and improved rooftop geocoding.

      • Updated the FormattedAddress to better align with postal preferences
      • Improved coding
      • Reduced false coding cases
      • Rooftop Geocoding now available

      We are happy to announce a new partnership with Singapore Post. We are now partners with the official postal agency and sourcing the best and up to date data.

      • Improved coding rates
      • Updated building data now available
      • PostBox data no longer available
      • DoubleDependentLocality and DependentLocality is no longer available. Singapore is a city state and only the locality of “Singapore” is used.

      • Improved matching of locality variations that may be used
      • Improved preferences of the values returned to better match postal data
    • TOGO

      We have updated our data source for Togo as a general improvement.

      • AV24 validation now available in more popular areas

      We have improved our data source for Trinidad and Tobago.

      • Updated the FormattedAddress to better align with postal preferences
      • Significant improvement in AV23 coding rates
      • Subnational Area & Administrative Area No Longer Returned In The Response.
      • DependentLocality now available as it is used by the postal agency
      • Invalid PostalCode formats no longer returned

      • Fixed an issue where multiple scripts could be mixed in the response

      We have improved our data source for Uzbekistan.

      • AV23 Thoroughfare level validation now available
      • Improved parsing


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Released on: October 2022

Global Address Object Version 6167


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  • Data Updates

    • Reference Data Update


    • Address Pattern Recognition Update


  • Country Specific Updates


      We have updated our data source for Azerbaijan. We have improved our street level and house number coverage, as well as improved geocoding.

      • Updated the FormattedAddress to better align with postal preferences
      • We can now return DST flag, UTC, and Timezone information
      • SubNationalArea now returned for all verified addresses
      • DependentLocality returned when available

      We have updated our data source for Belarus. We have improved our street level and house number coverage, as well as improved geocoding.

      • Updated the FormattedAddress to better align with postal preferences
      • We can now return DST flag, UTC, and Timezone information

      We have updated our data source for Belgium to a premium governmental source. With this new source comes improved address level coverage, data quality, and improved rooftop geocoding.

      • Updated the FormattedAddress to better align with postal preferences
      • SubBuilding will now contain the Box, Bus, or Bte data depending on the region of Belgium
      • SubNationalArea and DependentLocality no longer used as per postal data
      • Improved casing of subpremise and box data
      • CountrySubdivisionCode is now return the value tied to the region instead of the province
    • BRAZIL

      • Improved Thoroughfare Parsing

      We have updated our data source for Cayman Islands. We have improved our street level and house number coverage, as well as improved geocoding.

      • Updated the FormattedAddress to better align with postal preferences
      • We can now return DST flag, UTC, and Timezone information
      • SubAdministrativeArea parsed output now available

      • Fixed an issue where there could occasionally be a space missing between the premise and subpremise.

      We have updated our data source for Dominican Republic. We have improved our street level coverage.

      • Updated the FormattedAddress to better align with postal preferences
      • SubAdministrativeArea parsed output no longer available
      • We can now return DST flag, UTC, and Timezone information

      We have updated our data source for Denmark to a premium governmental source. With this new source comes improved address level coverage, data quality, and improved rooftop geocoding.

      • Updated the FormattedAddress to better align with postal preferences
      • Reduced false coding cases
      • DependentLocality now available in certain parts of the country
      • Improved casing of address components

      We have updated our data source for Eritera. We have improved our street level coverage and added house number coverage.

      • Capital Asmara City is now under the Administrative Area of Maekel instead of Anseba.
    • FIJI

      • Improved Locality data
      • CountrySubdivisionCode now available

      We have updated our data source for Georgia. We have improved our street level coverage, added house number coverage, as well as improved geocoding.

      • Updated the FormattedAddress to better align with postal preferences
      • AdministrativeArea no longer returned
      • We can now return DST flag, UTC, and Timezone information
      • Fixed an issue where non-latin data could be returned when requesting OutputScript=Latin

      • CountrySubdivisionCode has been updated to reflect the new standard using numbers instead of letters.
    • GUYANA

      We have upgraded our data source for Guyana to with added house number coverage.

      • MelissaAddressKey now available

      • MelissaAddressKey now available

      We have updated our data source for Jamaica. We have improved our street level coverage.

      • Updated the FormattedAddress to better align with postal preferences
      • ThoroughfareTrailingType now returned in written out form
      • AdministrativeArea no longer returned
      • We can now return DST flag, UTC, and Timezone information

      We have updated our data source for Kazakhstan.

      • Updated the FormattedAddress to better align with postal preferences
      • No longer returning duplicate area information in the Formatted Address
      • DependentLocality no longer used
      • We can now return DST flag, UTC, and Timezone information
    • LATVIA

      We have updated our data for Latvia to reflect the new Administrative Area divisions that came into force on July 2021. We have also added Street Level Geocoding for this country.

      • Updated the FormattedAddress to better align with postal preferences
      • SubadministrativeArea no longer used
      • DependentLocality no longer used
      • CountrySubdivisionCode now available

      We have improved our source data for Lithuania. However, with this improved source, we have to temporarily downgrade the geocoding available for this country.

      • Updated the FormattedAddress to better align with postal preferences. The engine now differentiates the FormattedAddress of the capital cities of the 11 regions of the country separate from the non-capital regions.
      • SubadministrativeArea no longer used
      • CountrySubdivisionCode now available

      Unfortunately, the house level data coverage has proven insufficient. We will need to downgrade our coverage for this country to locality level for the time being while we work on acquiring a more reliable data source.

      • Updated the FormattedAddress to better align with postal preferences.

      • Improved street level coverage
      • Added House number coverage
      • MelissaAddressKey now available
    • PANAMA

      Unfortunately, the house level data coverage has proven insufficient. We will need to downgrade our coverage for this country to thoroughfare level for the time being while we work on acquiring a more reliable data source.

      • Updated the FormattedAddress to better align with postal preferences
      • We can now return DST flag, UTC, and Timezone information

      • FormattedAddress will now return postal code as entered on input
    • POLAND

      • Improved Thoroughfare Parsing
    • RUSSIA

      • PostOfficeLocation parsed output now available

        • SERBIA
      • Improved data for AdministrativeArea output

      • Fixed an issue where FormattedAddress would occasionally return an incomplete address
      • CountrySubdivisionCode now available
      • MelissaAddressKey now available

      • Improved Thoroughfare Parsing


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Released on: June 2022

Global Address Object Version 5992


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  • Improved recognition of more country names in other languages other than English and the native country name.


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  • Fixed a bug where some United States territories may have an incorrect DST (Daylight Savings Time) flag.


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Released on: March 2022

Global Address Object Version 5847


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  • Data Updates

    • Reference Data Update


    • Address Pattern Recognition Update


  • Country Specific Updates


      We have downgraded this country to a locality level (AV-2) country due to a loss in quality of the thoroughfare level data.

      • Country moved to AV2 due to poor available data and false coding issue
      • SubNationalArea is no longer used.

      We are happy to announce a new partnership between Melissa and Austria Post. With this update, users will now have access to official postal data from Austria Post. Austria has one of the most complex address formats in which there can be up to 4 numbers in the delivery address line.

      • AV25 Sub-premise level verification is now available
      • SubAdministrativeArea field is no longer returned as the area and has been normalized to postal data standards
      • Will return AddressType=T if a Tür (door number) is expected
      • Rooftop level geocoding is now available

      We have revamped Central Africa Republic with a new data source and new engine.

      • Postal code no longer echoed from input to output because this is a country that does not use postal codes
      • Greatly decreased over-aggressive false coding
    • FRANCE

      • Fixed a bug where the invalid input house number could be mapped to a building number and the house number changed.

      We have downgraded this country to a locality level (AV-2) country due to a loss in quality of the thoroughfare level data.

      • Country moved to AV2 due to poor available data and false coding issue
      • We have re-slotted the area fields being returned to better match the country and to better align with other countries:
        • SubNationalArea field is now returned
        • SubAdministrativeArea field is no longer returned
      • More consistent area data are used

      • Packstation addresses will now be classified as PO Box data and the parsed values returned in the parsed PostBox fields instead of Thoroughfare fields
      • Better distinction between Postfach as Packstation addresses considered by the engine during matching
      • Postfach addresses with imbedded spaces now handled correctly
      • Fixed issue where sometimes diacritics could be returned when OutputScript is set to Latin.

      • Fixed an issue where a dependent locality in the input could get incorrectly tagged as a building and repeated in the output.
      • Fixed an issue where an Organization in the input could get tagged as a building while the engine appends an identical Organization in the output, resulting the in the same Organization value being in the output twice.
      • Improved our matching criteria for Organization Names by better identifier words (like Co, Ltd, etc) that should not be used as part of the fuzzy match.
      • Fixed an issue where some rare postal codes formats would result in the house number not appearing in the output
      • Fixed an issue where it was possible for the Remnants fields to contain carriage returns
      • Decreased the possibility of false coding
    • ITALY

      • Improved our data by adding more input variations around Italian numbers
      • Improved parsing for AV12 addresses

      We have downgraded this country to a locality level (AV-2) country due to a loss in quality of the premise level data.

      • Country moved to AV2 due to poor available data and false coding issue
      • FormattedAddress changed to closer match postal preferences. For example, Postal code and Locality are no longer on the same line.

      We have downgraded this country to a locality level (AV-2) country due to a loss in quality of the thoroughfare level data.

      • Country moved to AV2 due to poor available data and false coding issue
      • Altered FormattedAddress to better match postal preferences. For example, Postal code and Locality are no longer on the same line.

      • Fixed an issue where the house number was sometimes parsed into subpremise number
      • Decreased the incidents of false coding where the engine would match the address to a different thoroughfare
    • RUSSIA

      We have made a change to the underlying data source for Russia as well as the engine. This change has been in the works for a long time. Unfortunately, the release of this country is loosely timed with the horrible invasion of Ukraine, which we thoroughly condemn.

      • Subpremise information is now available in our new source and AV25 coding is now available.
      • SubNationalArea parsed field no longer used
      • FormattedAddress has been updated to better match postal preferences
      • Reduced occurrence of cases where FormattedAddress is returned empty
      • Parsed PostOfficeLocation data is available
      • Abbreviations of thoroughfare types now used as per postal preference

      We have downgraded this country to a locality level (AV-2) country due to a loss in quality of the thoroughfare level data.

      • Country moved to AV2 due to poor available data and false coding issue
      • SubNationalArea no longer being used.
    • SPAIN

      • Improving parsing for AV12 and AE01 addresses
    • SUDAN

      • Improved the administrative area data for the country
      • Improving matching and coding in the country
    • TONGA

      We have downgraded this country to a locality level (AV-2) country due to a loss in quality of the thoroughfare level data.

      • Country moved to AV2 due to poor available data and false coding issue
      • We have re-slotted the area fields being returned to better match the country and to better align with other countries:
        • SubNationalArea field now returned
        • Dependent Locality no longer being returned
      • More consistent area data being used

      We have made a change to the underlying data source for Ukraine as well as the engine. This change has been in the works for a long time. Unfortunately, the release of this country is loosely timed with the horrible invasion of Ukraine,- which we thoroughly condemn.

      • Dependent Locality parsed field no longer used
      • FormattedAddress has been updated to better match postal preferences
      • Reduced the cases where the area is repeated multiple times in the Formatted Address
      • Abbreviations of thoroughfare types now used as per postal preference
      • Reduced cases where FormattedAddress could be returned with a blank value


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Released on: January 2022

Global Address Object Version 5732


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  • Timezone information update

    We have made an update to our timezone information. Our new timezone names are more standardized and region specific rather than country specific. With this new data, it will be easier to figure out the timezone region and there are less values to account for. Here are a few examples:

    Old Timezonename New Timezonename
    Europe/Berlin Central European Time
    Europe/Paris Central European Time
    Asia/Dubai Gulf Standard Time
    Africa/Johannesburg South African Standard Time
  • Data Updates

    • Reference Data Update


    • Address Pattern Recognition Update


  • Country Specific Updates

    • BRAZIL

      We have revamped Brazil with a new data source and new engine. The main reason for this switch was to cut down on overaggressive changes. You may see a slightly lower coding rate with this new engine but we believe the benefit of better quality and lower false changes is well worth it.

      • Much lower aggressiveness of the engine to change the address completely in order to code the address.
      • The source data now more closely matches the postal authority for the country.
      • CountrySubdivisionCode now available
      • MelissaAddressKey now available
      • UTC, DST, and Timezone now available
      • Improved Parsing
      • Better standardization of parsed premise and subpremise types
    • CANADA

      • Updated and improve logic for returning AV25 Result if the address has a subpremise that is expected in the source. An extra suite for an address that does not expect any suites will still return AV24.
      • Fixed an issue where a few Canadian city names that contained a dash were not verifying.
    • CUBA

      We have revamped Cuba with a new data source and new engine.

      • Improved coding rate
      • Less false coding
      • Our address output now more closely matches to the preferred postal format for the country
    • FRANCE

      We are proud to announce that we are now fully using official La Poste France postal address data. We have previously been using official La Poste Cedex information. However, we now have updated the rest of the database with full official postal data. Compared to our previous source, there is a very small percentage of changes, but we are now using data that is officially produced by the postal authority in France. The points below are the main changes with this update:

      • Improved building information
      • Improved address information in very rural areas of France
      • More precise house number data

      • Tuned engine to be a little less aggressive when the postal code and the locality do not match the source data
      • In a few cases, we have modified the return locality to close match the postal preferred version if the postal prefer version contained parenthesis.
      • Improved coding thoroughfares that are very similar to each other, resulting in AE05 – Multiple Match errors in the past.
      • Improving matching for non-standard abbreviated thoroughfare types
      • Improved handling of addresses where the premise number and thoroughfare are in reverse order, contains unexpected delimiters or parenthesis
      • Improved parsing of AV12 partially coded addresses
      • Added additional areas in English that can be recognized

      • Improved detection of some less common thoroughfare trailing types.
      • Fixed an issue where some addresses in the Durham region incorrectly labelled Durham as the locality.

      We have done a major review and revamp of our Netherlands engine.

      • Fixed an issue where a subpremise value that is not expected can override the premise number value.
      • Improved recognition and parsing of a subpremiselevel value like “hoog” or “Huis” in the address
      • Fixed a bug where the postal code value can be identified as a remnant value and added to the beginning of the address
      • Fixed a bug where sometimes, an extra unnecessary “e” can be added to the subpremiselevel output.
      • Improving handling of address inputs where locality is sent in via address lines and contains a space followed by two alpha characters.
      • General improvement in parsing unparsed address inputted via address lines.
      • Improving handling of addresses that contain both a street address and a post office box.
      • Improved detection of Organization names in the address lines.
      • Fixed an issue where on rare occasions part of the input address would be missing from the output.
      • Improved handling of extra unexpected information in the address line.
      • Improved address parsing for addresses that do not fully code
    • SPAIN

      • Improved recognition and handling of thoroughfare types in the Catalonia region that differ from the rest of the country

      • Fixed an issue where multiple PO Boxes in the input could cause a engine crash
      • Fixed an issue where in some cases, “BLV” was not being corrected to “BLVD” and recognized as a thoroughfare trailing type
      • Fixed an issue where if the input had multiple subpremise values (which are not valid), the engine sometimes mixes the values from the two subpremises


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Released on: October 2021

Global Address Object Version 5577


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  • Data Updates

    • Reference Data Update


    • Address Pattern Recognition Update


  • Country Specific Updates

      • Fixed a bug where it was possible to return a non-decimal and non-blank latitude and longitude value.
    • CANADA
      • Improved the handling of duplicate address information. Please see examples in the notes for United States for more details.
      • Fixed an issue where two different thoroughfares which has the same abbreviations would get matched to one another.
      • Improved parsing of partially coded records
      • Improved Great Britain parsing
      • Fixed an issue where an address coded to AE05 – Multiple Match error would still return a valid AddressKey (UDPRN) and AddressType. This should not have been returned as we cannot fully verify the address.
    • ITALY
      • Refined our matching logic to reduce matching thoroughfares that are very similar but in reality different thoroughfares. This is a logic especially applied to Italy because they have no many very similar thoroughfare names.
    • MEXICO
      • Changed the AA value from DF to CDMX
      • Improved recognition of subpremise types
      • Improved input variation handling
      • Fixed an issue where an address coded to AE05 – Multiple Match error would still return a valid AddressKey (UDPRN) and AddressType. This should not have been returned as we cannot fully verify the address.

      • Major improvement in the handling of duplicate address data. Our engine will now look at the additional lines of input and if it detects that they contain only duplicate address information, that whole line will be removed. However, if there are other significant pieces of data in the additional lines, we will err of the side of caution and leave the input there as additional information.

      Example where A2 would be removed:

      A1: 12345 Main St
      A2: Main Street, Dallas Texas
      Locality: Dallas
      AdministrativeArea: TX
      PostalCode: 34521

      With the example above, if A2 were something like these, they would not be removed:

      A2: Main Street Dentist
      A2: Dallas Real Estate


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  • Fixed an issue where AE01 – General Error errors would incorrectly put parsed values in Building.


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Released on: August 2021

Global Address Object Version 5424


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  • General Updates

    • One of the main focuses of this update is improved parsing, especially thoroughfare parsing. When we code an address, we are very confident in the parsed results that is returned back to the user. However, when we do not code the address, we will make a best attempt parse and do not always return results. In this update, we have focused on improving and returning the parsed results for addresses that do not code, specifically AE01 and AE05. There is still more room for improvement and we will continue to work on improving parsing, but we believe this update provides a massive improvement of parsed results.

    • We have worked to cut down on address records that could take more than one second to verify, typically with a lot of junk or garbage data.

  • Data Updates

    • Reference Data Update


    • Address Pattern Recognition Update


  • Country Specific Updates


      • Improved speed for more complex inputs that could take longer than normal
      • Will now return the first number of a multi-number address in the subpremiselevel.

      For example, if you have an address such as Schulgasse 10/1/35, we will return:

      PremisesNumber: 10
      SubPremisesNumber: 1
      SubPremisesLevelNumber: 35
    • FRANCE

      • Fixed an issue where a small number of records returned with a non-preferred version of the thoroughfare instead of the preferred version
      • Updated the CountrySubDivisionCode values to the more standard FR-## version.

      • We have improved our matching engine to recognize more possible patterns, especially with addresses containing multiple sub-premises.
      • Improved the address format of records where the source data has a subbuilding that behaves more as a subpremise instead.
      • Improved coding of RoyalMail Multi-res records.
      • Updated the CountrySubDivisionCode value to be more accurate.

      • Improved speed for more complex inputs that could take longer than normal
    • INDIA

      We have been working on acquiring better more up to date data for India for some time. We also wanted to address the issue of over-aggressiveness due to the spotty nature of source data in India. To that end, we have completely redone India with new data and matching engine.

      • Improved FormattedAddress to more closely match postal standards
      • Decreased over-aggressiveness and false coding
      • Improved parsing
    • JAPAN

      • Fixed some cases where an invalid address would partially code to the locality (AV12). They now correctly return AE01.
      • Fixed the CountrySubDivisionCode value returns for administrative area Shizuoka.
    • KOREA

      • Cut down on records that could take more than 1 second. A few long single line addresses may be affected.
    • PERU

      • Cut down on records that could take more than 1 second. A few long single line addresses may be affected.
      • Fixed the CountrySubDivisionCode value returns for administrative area Lima.

      • Improved speed for more complex inputs that could take longer than normal
    • SPAIN

      • MelissaAddressKey and MelissaAddressKeyBase numbers are now available.
      • Fixed an issue where some records could have returned an empty locality.
      • Improved data where some data with accents were corrupted from the data source

      We have updated our source data for Switzerland to use data that more closely matches Swiss Post. The changes you see in this country are derived from this data change. The new data is better and more official than the data previously used.

      • MelissaAddressKey and MelissaAddressKeyBase numbers are now available.
      • Improved FormattedAddress to more closely match official postal standards in less common scenarios.
      • SubNationalArea and SubAdministrativeArea are no longer returned as they are not included in official data.
      • Improved Thoroughfare parsing
      • Locality and alias locality data have been improved

      • Improve data returned in the SubAdministrativeArea (County Name) for some addresses that were on the border of two counties.


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  • Fixed an issue where AV24 was sometimes also returned with AE11 due to inconsistency of source data.


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Released on: March 2021

Global Address Object Version 5324


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  • General Updates

    • We have made a standardization to the way we treat FormatteAddress and CountryOfOrigin. The default functionality is described below:

      • If the CountryOfOrigin is not set, the FormatteAddress will contain the destination country name at the end*.
      • If CountryOfOrigin is set and the same as the destination country, the FormattedAddress will not contain the country name at the end.
      • If CountryOfOrigin is set and different than the destination country, the FormattedAddress will contain the country name at the end.

    *There is an exception for this item which is US and CA. These countries will not have the country name at the end of FormattedAddress is CountryOfOrigin is not set. This is due to backwards compatibility reasons as the majority of our users use these two countries.

  • Data Updates

    • Reference Data Update


    • Address Pattern Recognition Update


  • Country Specific Updates


      • Added some improvement for typo handling
    • CANADA

      • Improved handling of AV24 vs AV25 codes.

      • Previously:

        • Case #1) 12-345 Main St -> AV24
        • Case #2) 345 Main St Ste 12 -> AV25

      Now, we will identify both cases as AV25.

    • FRANCE

      • We have made CEDEX data available now in the database. CEDEX addresses are business addresses that have special postal codes and address data.

      • MelissaAddressKey and MelissaAddressKeyBase numbers are now available.
      • Improved recognition and handling of typos and misspellings.

      • We have changed our data source to use the official land registry data for Hong Kong. This data includes the building information for addresses.
      • We have made changes to our engine to try and cut down on over-aggressive coding.
      • MelissaAddressKey and MelissaAddressKeyBase numbers are now available.
    • ITALY

      • MelissaAddressKey and MelissaAddressKeyBase numbers are now available.
      • We have added additional variation data to improve coding rates.
      • We have sourced and added additional data for the South Tyrol region that often uses German versions of the address.
    • JAPAN

      • Improved matching of addresses that are all in one line.
    • KOREA

      • We have transitioned to a new data provider for Korea we believe contains better overall data for the country.
      • Formatted Address now is closer sync with postal preference.
      • Less overly aggressive false coding.
      • MelissaAddressKey and MelissaAddressKeyBase numbers are now available.

      • We have made improvements to this country to reduce occurrences of false coding.

      • Corrected an issue where AC03 (Locality change) was being incorrectly reported.

      • We have improving handling of building data in Singapore. We will now only append the building information if we do not detect the input as already having building information. This is because we found the user often had correct and desired data but that was slightly different than the value in the database.
    • SPAIN

      • We have improved our pattern matching for better recognition of subpremise patterns. This will improve coding rates.

      • Fixed a data issue for the Sharjah region.


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